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Are Bitcoin L2s Scams? | The Royals Unveil



Published on
June 8, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, As we prepare for the biggest UNAT launch on Mscribe, the rest of the Ordinals community is in Hong Kong preparing to party the night away
  2. Next, get into the L2 discussion brought up by Bitcoin Wizards team on Bankless Podcast
  3. Then, Sentiment around L2’s to Bitcoin seem to be rapidly declining, are they all scams afterall?!
  4. and Finally, discuss the upcoming Royals mint and explain why this isn’t like a typical Ordinal collection.

As we prepare for the biggest UNAT launch on Mscribe, the rest of the Ordinals community is in Hong Kong preparing to party the night away. We ask the question, should we not be fading these kind of conferences and what actually happens at them? We then get into the L2 discussion brought up by Bitcoin Wizards team on Bankless Podcast. Sentiment around L2’s to Bitcoin seem to be rapidly declining, are they all scams afterall?! We then discuss the upcoming Royals mint and explain why this isn’t like a typical Ordinal collection.