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Exploring Bitcoin’s New Scientific Paradigm w/ Founder of Mycosoft Morgan Rockwell



Published on
March 21, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, who is Morgan Rockwell, and how they get into the web3 space?
  2. Next, we dive into Mycosoft and what it can contribute for the web3 space
  3. Then, we discuss with Morgan the parallels between Digital Matter Theory and the DNA application behind this initiative.
  4. and Finally, Element registry and DNA registry through the utilization of Ordinals introduce open source data sets for creator communities

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Ordinals have attracted so many new innovations in the digital art space as well as the metaverse and fungible token space. However, a new sector is emerging in the Decentralized Science space and Morgan Rockwell of Mycosoft is bringing a truly unique application to the Bitcoin Ordinals space. Mycosoft is embedding real world mushroom DNA onto Bitcoin through the utilization of Ordinal inscriptions. We discuss with the founder the intentions behind this and what future implications around this are. We also discuss with the guest of this show the parallels between Digital Matter Theory and the DNA application behind this initiative. Element registry and DNA registry through the utilization of Ordinals introduces open source data sets for creator communities, whether digital or scientific to leverage in future application use.