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Exploring The Chaos and Beauty of Ordinals w/ Bitgod ๐Ÿ‘‘



Published on
November 2, 2023
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, BitGod shares his journey in the crypto space, from reselling sneakers to working at centralized and decentralized exchanges
  2. Next, we discuss the exciting new release from Quadrillion
  3. Then, what are the challenges of onboarding artists to Bitcoin, the importance of digital artifacts, and the potential of the metaverse for community building?
  4. and Finally, we ask Bit God about the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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In this episode of the TBR 1 hr Podcast, we dive into the world of crypto and art with special guest Bit God. Bit God shares his journey in the crypto space, from reselling sneakers to working at centralized and decentralized exchanges. We explore Bit God's transition to focusing on NFT marketplaces, including the discovery of Ordinals and the creation of a Twitter account for NFT collecting. We also discuss the exciting new release from Quadrillion called Perpetuals, a curated collection of established artists making their debut on Bitcoin. The artists' identities are revealed after the minting process to focus on the art itself. We explore the challenges of onboarding artists to Bitcoin, the importance of digital artifacts, and the potential of the metaverse for community building. The conversation delves into the complexities of token standards, the emergence of Pipe as a hybrid approach combining BRC 20 and Runes, and the need for consensus and direction in the community. We also touch on the potential use of pattern recognition in creating fungible or non-fungible tokens and the importance of developing proper infrastructure to support liquidity.