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How Bittensor Saves Humanity From Runaway AI | Interview with Co-Founder Jacob Steeves



Published on
June 9, 2023
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, We discuss how AI can save humanity from the potential of a runaway AI
  2. Next, we ask Jacob how Bittensor works and how people can leverage it
  3. Then, He explains the differences between Miners, Validators, and Stakers.
  4. and Finally, we ask him burning questions from the community

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Music by OfDream - Thelema

We spoke with Jacob Robert Steeves who is the founder of Bittensor, a project working to bring artificial intelligence to the blockchain space in hopes of decentralizing ownership and control over the technology. This project has been in development for many years and has an already viable ecosystem with operating nodes, validators, and stakers. The incentive mechanism they have incorporated involved the minting and distribution of TAO tokens which is the reward for participants in the ecosystem. The economics of the token follow Bitcoins exactly in its total supply and emission schedule. This is to ensure the network needed to support and grow Bittensor’s machine learning systems can grow to the scale of what Bitcoin has done. If successful the computational power of Bittensor will be 500 times more of what Google’s entire data infrastructure could provide. Jacob Steeves goes in depth about the philosophies that motivated him and his foundational team to work on this initiative and how the future of AI will look.