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How to Build Value with Bitmap and NATs | Interview w/ WizOp of Bitmap.community



Published on
March 9, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, who is WizOp and how did they got into the web3 space
  2. Next, What is Bitmap.community?
  3. Then, exploring the visual aspects crucial to appreciating blockchain's potential and the vision for an economy independent of physical location
  4. and Finally, what does WizOp think of the future of Bitmap?

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Host Will and Iman discuss with guest Wizop from Bitmap.community the transformative applications of blockchain tech and the emergence of DMT tokens in the crypto landscape.

They explore the visual aspects crucial to appreciating blockchain's potential and the vision for an economy independent of physical location. Challenges in the bitcoin ecosystem and the innovative opportunities DMT tokens present are examined, alongside Wizop's plan to democratize access to bitmap data for Genesis parcel holders.

Wizop recounts his leap into the crypto world post-2020 and his drive to develop Bitmap's data tooling. The team's skill in making blockchain data usable shines, with an eye on expanding data services and APIs for developers.

The conversation touches on the value of decentralization, Bitcoin's role in Bitmap's ecosystem, and the struggle to communicate complex visions of the future economic landscape. Future plans for Bitmap.community include a marketplace and leveraging community talents, underlining the decentralized decision-making at its core.