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Interview with CEO Xverse: Stacks, Oridnals, and the Future of Bitcoin



Published on
September 4, 2023
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, How did Ken get into the Web3 Space
  2. Next, Ken Explains how Xverse has been deeply involved in the Bitcoin development space
  3. Then, we discuss how Stacks was regarded as the only viable solution to building applications on Bitcoin
  4. and Finally, What does Ken think of the future of Bitmap?

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We interview the CEO of Xverse, Bitcoin’s #1 wallet provider who recently secured a 5 million dollar seed round of funding to expand and scale their services. Xverse has been deeply involved in the Bitcoin development space, originally being a team member of Stacks which is the leading layer 2 solution to Bitcoin. For many years, Stacks was regarded as the only viable solution to building applications like products on Bitcoin, which led Xverse to build a wallet that would improve the user experience overall for users of that network. Now with the introduction of Ordinals this year, Xverse took the chance to support the ecosystem in its early days and is now the #1 provider for Ordinal asset holders. We discuss what the future of building on Bitcoin looks like and how critical infrastructure needs to be built in order to compete with Ethereum and its smart contract development ecosystem.