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Sandman on How to Build a Runes PFP Empire with Bitdogs



Published on
June 8, 2024
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, who is Sandman and how did he get into the web3 space?
  2. Next, Sandman sheds light on Bitdogs' cutting-edge exploration of the Runes ecosystem and teases their upcoming deployment
  3. Then, Learn about the unique strategies employed by Bitdogs
  4. and Finally, how this project came to be and the intentions behind tying together this new class of fungible token with their non-fungible collection that will be minting soon?

We speak with our guest Sandman who is a major contributor to the OXBT community and is now working to organize an up and coming Runes PFP project called Bitdogs. Bitdogs is one of the first Ordinal PFP collections to commit to a Rune token distribution once the protocol goes live. We discuss how this project came to be and the intentions behind tying together this new class of fungible token with their non-fungible collection that will be minting soon.