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The Digital Artifact EXPANSION | Interview w/ Tom Lehman Founder of Ethscriptions



Published on
August 23, 2023
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, who is Tom Lehman and how did he get into the web3 space?
  2. Next, Tom explains the Ethscription protocol.
  3. Then, what does He think about the current inscription space?
  4. and Finally, how does Tom view the future of the crypto ecosystem?

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Music by OfDream - Thelema

Today we interviewed Tom Lehman, founder of the Ethscription protocol which is acting to enable digital artifact inscriptions on Ethereum. This is a big deal because it expands the digital artifact movement beyond just the scope of Ordinals and Bitcoin. This begs the question of why does Ethereum need to inscribe if the ecosystem has done so much already with smart contracts and IPFS pointers. Tom outlines the several benefits ethscribing has over minting NFTs in added security, true immutability, and even cost efficiencies. With the Ethereum layer 2 ecosystem now becoming more obviously centralized, the narrative for a new option when creating digital goods on-chain comes at a perfect time. Will ethscriptions be the next big thing to pop off on Ethereum and become a major ecosystem to build for just like Ordinals?