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The Future of Web3 Gaming and Metaverse on Bitcoin | Interview w/ Ben Charbit of Life Beyond



Published on
October 7, 2023
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Show Notes:


  1. First up, We ask Ben about his background and how he got attracted to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
  2. Next, we dive into the world of decentralized architecture in game development
  3. Then, We discuss what infrastructure is being built to support the metaverse on bitcoin ecosystem
  4. and Finally, what is Ben’s opinion on Bitmap?

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In this episode of TBR 1 hr Podcasts, we dive into the world of decentralized architecture in game development with a special focus on the Metaverse game called Life Beyond. Our guest, a seasoned game developer with 15 years of experience, shares insights on how developers need to treat users differently in a decentralized architecture and how a player-driven economy can thrive in this environment. We explore the potential for additional experiences, mods, and services in decentralized gaming and discuss the importance of asset ownership for players. Our guest also shares their journey in the gaming industry and their vision for creating ecosystems powered by a token. Along with the many challenges of building a web3 game in the nascent Bitcoin ecosystem and what infrastructure is being built to support the metaverse on bitcoin ecosystem. Finally, what is Ben’s opinion on Bitmap and how can game developers bring their tools to that ecosystem.