March 31, 2023

The Block Runner Blog

The DeAi Revolution is Here: How Crypto Will Shape the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Decentralized Artificial Intelligence may be crypto's biggest opportunity sector. Elon Musk and others want to see a short-term pause on the development of artificial intelligence technologies in an attempt to allow regulators to catch up and safeguard against potential societal risks. This fear is growing that centralized A.I. can have devastating consequences which will support its web3 counterpart to compete.

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Will Uniswap Bring Resurgence to the NFT Market?

The NFT crypto market has suffered a severe set back similar to the rest of the blockchain space during this bear market. Uniswap has announced today the release of NFT trading on their protocol. This is being offered as an NFT aggregation platform sourcing NFT listings from 8 different exchanges including Opensea, LookRare, x2y2, Sudoswap, and others. This will improve the trading efficiencies overall for the NFT space, given the technological advantages of Uniswaps protocol over more centralized platforms. Will this add any steam to the overall NFT resurgence?

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ZK Sync- Should You Be Excited or Wary?

One of the hottest projects to launch recently, ZK Sync, has recently raised 200 million in their series C and is open-sourcing their technology and using the MIT license. What does this mean for a potential future token airdrop and what are the positives and negatives overall for ZKSync and their layer 2 solutions?

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Update on How We Made 150,000+ Mana in 7 Days

In today's update we give you an inside look at everything we do at The Block Runner and our product called MetaZone. We hope these blog posts help you stay informed and also make sure you join our discord to be part of this growth!

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Is Crypto Ready for The Mainstream?

I just performed a sweep of my cryptocurrencies into a hardware wallet. Its an experience that the community should not be ready to share with a mainstream audience. Click to read through my experience and what things we can work on to get crypto more widely adopted.

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Bitcoin vs Gold

Do you sometimes fear for the financial stability of you and your family in situations of economic turmoil? Do flashbacks to the 2008 housing collapse keep you up at night leaving you clutching on to your 401k statements in hopes of making it to retirement before shit hits the fan? What happens when the dollar devalues and people lose faith in the value of what fiat currencies represent? In this article, I will break down the differences between what investors have traditionally done to prepare for times like these and what new opportunities exist to store wealth and value through digital assets.

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